How To Not Fail In Your Network Marketing Business

I have taken a hard look at network marketing to try to determine the ways one can be successful in one. I have come to the conclusion that the best way to not fail in network marketing is not to join a network marketing company to begin with.
This remedy will suffice with all people except those who are self-admitted network marketing junkies. In which I am one.
These people are attracted to these types of business models like a moth to a flame.
Of course I'm half-joking, but there are people out there that want a "sure thing." These are the same people who don't think education and personal development plays a role in their network marketing success. It is these people who should avoid failing in their network marketing company by not joining one to begin with.
For the rest of us who absolutely must join a company, then you must know that you have to learn about marketing sooner or later. The best way to get around this is to only build your business through your warm market and cold calling leads.
If you are fine building your business this way, then you don't have to know anything about marketing-right? Wrong.
What about the people you bring into your business, you know your downline? What if they don't want to cold call leads or what if they don't have a warm market? What do you tell these people? You should have an arsenal of marketing techniques ready to give to those in your downline who don't want to build the business your way.
Therefore, another way to avoid failing in your network marketing company is to learn alternative ways to market your business besides working your warm market and buying leads. Most people don't like calling leads, aren't good at it or just don't have a sufficient budget that supports buying them consistently.
If you rely on your upline for everything from supplying leads to teaching you every marketing method known to man, then you are too dependent upon them for your success. Put your success of your business in your hands, not your uplines. Be self-sufficient. This is another way to avoid failing in your network marketing company.

Lastly, you should have retail products in place that you can sell to your prospects that educates them and at the same time puts money in your pocket. It's a fact that most people who fail in network marketing run out of money to fund their business properly. This solves that problem and helps you avoid potential business failure.
You will make money whether or not prospects join your business. You've also recouped your marketing costs too and put more money back into your marketing budget. This is known in the industry as a self-funded proposal. I call it good old fashioned business sense.