Free Internet work opportunities you can perform from your residence are possible and seem to be a topic you hear a lot of people talking about these days.
If you are searching for Internet Work you will come across a huge volume of internet sites that offer you these types of opportunities or better said claim to offer you these opportunities. It reminds me of years ago before the internet was what it is today, the mailers offering people a position as a mail stuffer for a membership fee. Back in those days many of these companies were not so reputable and the same thing happens now with all these websites claiming to offer you work in exchange for a membership fee.
Then, how do you know which websites are legitimate and which ones are not?
First, try to Google reviews of the site in question, go to the forums and become active, ask questions and you'll be surprised at how much honest feedback you'll get. You'll be amazed at the number of these sites there are out there just to get your money.
You have to think about something, a big part of the world is experiencing some big changes in economy, there seems to be a lot of fear in the workforce and of course there are many good reasons for that since here in the United States the single digits of unemployment rate have been very close to the high single digits since 2007.
As a result many people are turning to jobs on net to try to find a solution or to have a backup plan in order not to have all their income depending on one source which is their job.
If you find a site that you find good reviews about and it really seems like something you'll like to try, you can always check if they have a trial period this way at least your money is secure. Personally I like trial periods because I get to test the products, see if I'm really happy with them and if I like them and if I do then I keep them and work with them, if not I just cancel the trial period and no hard feelings. I like ClickBank for that reason, ClickBank is an affiliate program network and the sellers that sell their digital products through them, have to adhere to a no questions asked return policy.
Also, you should always keep in mind sites like Craigslist, Elance or Freelancer. The Internet Work offered on these sites is typically of good reputation. At the beginning it might be a little hard to get your foot in the door just like in many situations but once you have accomplished a few tasks for your online employers and start getting good reviews you'll be on your way up and you'll consider sites like these to be a great career builder for you.
A good thing to remember is that, there is nothing that replaces hard work and dedication.