Is Your Net Working? Too Shy To Network?

Sound familiar?
"Do your hands start sweating and your legs shake with the thought of having to not only attend a business networking session but actually talk to people?"
"Do you feel paralyzed by the fear of rejection when you are at a business networking event?
"Would you rather have a root canal than attend a business networking event?
"Would you rather send an e-mail to a business lead than meet them in person?"

Well if any of these apply... you may be shy!

"Get over it!" That's what our extroverted friends would say. "Just do what we do!"

Life isn't that simple. We aren't all extroverts and it would probably be a noisy world if we were. Being shy isn't a personal defect.

You aren't the only one out there, even if it feels like it sometimes. The world is full of shy people and that doesn't prevent you from being an effective networker and reaping the benefits that networking can bring to your business.

Shyness can be defined as a reticence and self-consciousness, not just in stressful social situations but over all.

Studies in shyness back in 1972 at Stanford University's Shyness Clinic indicated that 40% of Americans considered themselves to be shy. Nowadays, closer to 50% are likely to say that they are shy. You would think that with all of the advancements in modern sciences and the humanities that we would become more outgoing. Perhaps all those advances are what are causing us to become shyer.

It has been said that it started with ATMs and Walkmans. We are no longer obligated to stand in line at our financial institutions to do our banking. We can do it with a machine. The opportunity to talk to your neighbour while standing in line is lost as well as small talk with the teller. Grocery stores and many other ones now have self-checkouts. No need to interact with a check-out clerk anymore. Walkmans allowed us to walk and listen to our music, for our ears only, a great way to escape unwanted conversations. The Walkman developed into MP3 players and smart phones that while getting smaller in size have offered us more ways to escape the real world.

The traditional family is no longer traditional. The days where the father went to work, the mother stayed home and the children went to school, all to come home at the end of the day to share a meal and their adventures of the day only exists in reruns of Leave it to Beaver. Traditional meals were replaced by TV dinners, then microwaveable ones. Fast food has become even faster and arguably not even food anymore. The opportunity to develop one's communication and conversing skills around the family dinner table may be lost forever.

I believe that you can place the condition of shyness on a continuum. On one end you would have an individual who is painfully shy. The mere thought of having to go to a networking event and conversing with people could be enough to cause them to have a panic attack. Any situation where one feels that they are likely to die is to be avoided at all costs.

At the other end of continuum would be someone who experiences some mild apprehension about participating in networking events. They feel the apprehension but go ahead and do it anyways.

So how do we move upwards on the continuum to the point where we are less apprehensive about meeting and socializing with people, even to the point of enjoying it?

As a registered nurse working most of my career in mental health I realize that there will be some individuals that will only be able to move forward by taking an antianxiety medication such as lorazepam to reduce their anxiety. This is only recommended for those that have severe difficulty and only for short term. Despite what some physicians will say, these medications are only to be used for short durations. Coming off of the medication can be as stressful for the person as the situation that the medication was taken for in the first place.

I believe that the secret to becoming more social i.e. moving away from shy is a cognitive behavioural one combined with skill development. There are a few clinical modalities that might be of use. Some might say that it is not important to know why you are shy or what causes your symptoms. "Forget about it, move forward, do it anyways!" A Reality Therapy approach might be "You are shy because you choose to be. What are you going to do to change it and become more social?"

A Solutions Focussed approach would likely say something like "Tell me what it would look like if you were no longer shy. What would you be doing? Who would you be talking to? What would you be saying to them? How would you be feeling?" They wouldn't be focussing on the past, only on how the future could be.

I'm a proponent of the Solutions Focussed Method combined with education and experience.

There are a lot of parallels with the fear of public speaking and shyness in social situations. Over the past 20 years I have been honing my public speaking skills by studying public speaking as a member of Toastmasters. Both within my club with fellow members and out in the public I regularly challenge myself by delivering presentations and speeches.

Darren Lacroix, the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking describes the secret to becoming a better public speaker as being "Stage time, stage time, stage time." I believe that the secret to becoming less shy and more self-confident is similar. You need to face your fear of networking by getting out there and doing it, over and over again.

Within the Toastmasters program we develop our skills by continually moving forward in our educational program and raising the bar as they say in increasing the challenges that we face. The more that we speak in public, the more that we desensitize ourselves and reduce the power that anxiety has over us. The Toastmaster's program also offers constructive feedback as a way to maximize our self-development.

An overall plan to reduce shyness and increase self-confidence would be wise to include joining Toastmasters. Membership will provide you plenty of opportunities to both develop your communication and leadership skills but also plenty of opportunities to network in social situations.

Research the topic of business networking. You will find that while there is lots written about the subject, finding practical tips and techniques can be challenging to find.

Look for networking events in your community. Don't expect to be a power networker from the beginning. As they say you can't expect to run before you can walk. Learn what you can about the organization facilitating the event. What type of people attend the events? Is it purely social in nature or are people expecting to network for business opportunities?

If you are shy and it is important that you network, accompany a friend to the next business networking event, preferably someone who is a little more outgoing than you are. Ask them to introduce you to some people that they know that may be of benefit for you to meet.

As I said in the introduction, if almost 50% of people are saying that they are shy, then odds are there will be a high number of shy people at any event. You won't be alone!

Is Your Net Working? Cyber Bullying Prevention Strategies

If you are actively marketing and promoting yourself on-line as a part of your networking efforts the likelihood of encountering a cyber bully increases exponentially. It is simply a matter of numbers, the more people that you network with the higher the odds of encountering one.

Cyber bullying has featured prominently lately in the media with the unfortunate suicides of several teens in North America. As adults we aren't immune to the same tactics that these bullies use.

So what is a "cyberbully"?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia... Cyberbullying is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner.

Cyberbullying is defined in legal glossaries as:
actions that use information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm another or others.
use of communication technologies for the intention of harming another person
use of internet service and mobile technologies such as web pages and discussion groups as well as instant messaging or SMS text messaging with the intention of harming another person.

Examples of what constitutes cyberbullying include communications that seek to intimidate, control, manipulate, put down, falsely discredit, or humiliate the recipient. The actions are deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour intended to harm another. Cyberbullying has been defined by The National Crime Prevention Council: "When the Internet, cell phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person."

The practice of cyberbullying is not limited to children and, while the behavior is identified by the same definition when practiced by adults, the distinction in age groups sometimes refers to the abuse as cyberstalking or cyberharassment when perpetrated by adults toward adults.

Common tactics used by cyberstalkers are performed in public forums, social media or online information sites and are intended to threaten a victim's earnings, employment, reputation, or safety. Behaviors may include encouraging others to harass the victim and trying to affect a victim's online participation. Many cyberstalkers try to damage the reputation of their victim and turn other people against them. Source: Wikipedia... Cyberbullying & Cyberstalking.

A cyberbully could be a complete stranger to you or someone that you know.

This article is a result of having dealt with a cyberbully over the past five months, one that I have never actually met in person. I would like to share some cyberbullying prevention strategies that I have learned during my journey so that you don't have to go through the misery. And that dear reader is what the bully wants. They want you to be miserable. That is their goal.

My experience began innocently enough when I cautioned a poster to a Facebook Group page that I moderated. The individual had added their comments to a post that I had made and side-tracked the conversation. As the Moderator I felt that the content posted was inappropriate for a public forum as it was harassing another member of the group and making veiled threats.

I advised the individual that firstly, I felt that that the content they posted was inappropriate for a public forum. Secondly, that their dispute was with an individual and that they should deal with them directly. Thirdly, I made myself available for discussion of this matter and that should they continue further in this manner I would be obligated to revoke their membership from the Facebook group. In their self-righteous indignation they quickly posted several more posts, however this time they were directed at me. As I had previously cautioned them I revoked their membership to the group page, which in turn deleted the comments to the post.

Thinking that the incident was over I was dismayed to find a tirade of accusations posted on their Twitter feed about me. I then found that I was highlighted on their website's blog as being the scourge of mankind as well as attacked on their personal Facebook page. I like attention as much as the next guy but this was out of control!

The intent of this article is not to get into the "he said"... "she said" details of this situation but to learn from it.

I have worked some 33 years as a Registered Nurse in the field of psychiatry/mental health and through those years I believe that I have developed a good understanding of human behaviour. At least I am able to recognize behaviour that does not fall within the parameters of so-called normal behaviour. Over the next few paragraphs I will endeavour to provide some background info on why bullies bully from a psychological perspective. It isn't a one size fits all profile but I would challenge you to think about people that you know or have encountered and determine if they fall into any of these categories.

Some people display paranoid personality traits without meeting all of the criteria of being diagnosed as a paranoid personality disorder. Common characteristics of a paranoid individual are as follows: suspiciousness (looking for hidden reasons, meanings, causes etc. to another's behaviour and/or actions); hypervigilance i.e. being super aware of situations that they feel could cause them harm; short-tempered and lack of trust. The individual that is bullying you may have paranoia and for whatever reasons have chosen you as a target.

Working in mental health for so many years I learned an adage that has served me well... "all behaviour has meaning." The challenge is in determining what the meaning of the behaviour is and what it is supposed to do for the individual displaying it.

A cyberbully displays the same characteristics of a bully in the "real world." They usually have inadequate personalities, poor interpersonal skills, poor coping skills and a lack of empathy. They seek out individuals who they feel that by dominating them, they can raise their stature.

I recall a book written back in the 1970's entitled The Games People Play, by a psychologist named Eric Berne. Berne outlined different interpersonal transactions that people have with each other calling them "games". Ideally, as adults respectful of each other we communicate at the same level and the communication is productive. Another game, one that is not productive is "I'm not okay, you're okay! In this game one person does not feel good about themselves. They have learned that if they bring another person i.e. one who is okay, down to their level they subsequently feel better about themselves. It is definitely dysfunctional but it is a game that is likely fairly common. A bully looks at another person and decides that they want to bring them down to their level. Victims are created. Victims may not even know in the beginning that they have been targeted or why. Victims are not always passive individuals that are setting themselves up for bullying as some people would believe. A bully may target an individual who is more popular, attractive, successful, charismatic, smarter etc. than they believe that they are.

This article is focussing on the on-line behaviour of a bully, also known as cyberbully. Perhaps you will encounter them on a Facebook page as I did or any of the numerous discussion groups that proliferate on the internet.

For whatever reason, you are chosen as their target. It might start out with their disagreement of something that you have posted. Then it escalates to attacking not only your content but your credibility in posting the comments. Then it becomes a personal attack where your personal traits and characteristics and so-called short comings are focused on. It doesn't matter what you respond with as the bully's focus is in maintaining one-upmanship, thereby controlling you. You can tell that you are dealing with a paranoid individual in that they will likely respond to your post in a matter of minutes. They are at the ready, waiting for your response to be posted and then with a distant "Gotcha!" they respond back in a caustic manner. "How dare you!" seems to be their battle cry.

Cyberbullies will often align themselves with influential people or organizations, where there may not be an actual connection, in order to add credence to their accusations. They will often make generalizing statements. "Everyone says that you... !" "XXX agrees with me that you... " "You always... "

So what can you do to mitigate the damage done by a cyberbully? As William Feathers is often quoted as saying "knowledge is power!" You need to regain your power from the bully and mitigate the damage that they can do to you. Something to remember is that anything that is posted to the internet will likely be there for ever. If you are in business and trying to develop a business or personal brand via networking and/or using the internet it is important to think of damage control.

The following is a list of strategies that you can use to regain your power over a cyberbully. They are not organized in steps but rather initiatives that can be underway at the same time.

Social Media Discussion Groups:

If one of your posts is targeted by a bully, as hard as it will be, you need to resist the urge to respond in kind. This is what the bully wants. By responding, in their mind you justify what they wrote and that gives them the impetus to continue and escalate their postings. It takes at least two people to argue. If you don't, it makes it more challenging for them to continue on their own.

If you are the Moderator of the group and you are under attack from a bully I would suggest responding to them with a firm directive approach as used in the human resources field. Provide them with an explanation of what behaviour is inappropriate, what behaviour would be appropriate and/or corrective measures that you would suggest to improve the situation, a time frame for the changes to take place and finally an outline of what measures that you will take if the inappropriate behaviour is not corrected. If the behaviour continues, follow through with the measures that you had outlined.

It is difficult to determine how the cyberbully will respond with the above described actions. It could escalate matters. It is also difficult if not impossible to predict the future and the past can get blurry as matters escalate. I would recommend that you create a document in your favourite word processing program to chronicle the steps that you have taken in the matter and to provide evidence of the abuse that has been directed your way. I would recommend an inexpensive program called Snaggit from Techsmith. It allows you to do screen captures of info that you want to keep. Simply highlight an area that you want to capture. It loads it into the Snaggit editor where you can copy and paste into your word document.

If at anytime that you feel that your personal safety is at risk, notify your local police department. In my case, I sought out legal advice and was advised to take out a peace bond on the individual. This is a legal document that you can present to the police should a person be within your immediate vicinity without just cause. My local police declined following up on my complaint saying that the individual hadn't crossed over from being a nuisance to an actual threat and that they were seeing an increase in this type of behaviour. Since I wasn't able to get a peace bond secured, I did ensure that a file was initiated at the police detachment and my details were recorded should I need to refer to them at a later date. This was all added to my personal file.

If you are the creator of the post that the bully has used as a soapbox you are likely able to delete the entire post. This takes it away from public view. The downside of this action is that should you do so, you will be unable to register a complaint with the Administrators of the specific social media. Once it is deleted, it is gone. Forever? I'm not sure about that. Make sure you do a screen shot capture before deleting the entries. We will explore how to register a complaint shortly.


If the post in question i.e. where you have been attacked is created by someone else you can report it to Facebook administration by clicking on the small graphical V that appears in the top right hand corner of the original post. It gives you the option of reporting the post or labelling it as spam. Doing so takes the post out of the Timeline and presumably Facebook will investigate it. If you are the originator of the post you only have the option of hiding your post or deleting it. Remember to take a screen capture before taking action.


Twitter seems to be a little more out front with how they process complaints "Users are allowed to post content, including potentially inflammatory content, provided they do not violate the Twitter Rules and Terms of Service."

"In order to investigate reports of abusive behaviors, violent threats or a breach of privacy, we need to be in contact with the actual person affected or their authorized representative. We are unable to respond to requests from uninvolved parties regarding those issues to mitigate the likelihood of false or unauthorized reports. If you are not an authorized representative but you are in contact with the individual, encourage the individual to file a report through our forms."

You can also unfollow a person who is harassing you on Twitter. This removes them from your timeline but not from the Twitter stream. Their posts will remain visible on their Twitter profile homepage. Remember to take a screen capture before unfollowing them.


LinkedIn doesn't seem to address the issue of abusive posts other than advising that you can report inappropriate comments by flagging a group discussion.

"Open the discussion and click Flag to notify the group manager that an item might be inappropriate, or that it may need to be moved to the Jobs or Promotions tab.

To flag a comment in a group discussion:

Move your cursor over a comment and click Flag as inappropriate under a comment.

You can also contact your group owner or manager directly. The group manager decides what action (if any) will be taken.

Website or Blog:

If malicious content is being posted about you on the cyberbully's website or blog an option is to register a complaint with their webhosting provider and or their website developer. This information is generally available by doing a WhoIs domain lookup in a search engine such as Google. In my case, the website developer tried to mitigate his responsibility by saying that he wasn't responsible for the content of the site only the operating system. I left him with the idea that he may share liability should I decide to go forward with legal proceedings against the cyberbully.

Speaking of Google... it is worth your while to Google yourself every so often to see what is floating around in cyberspace about you. Simply enter your name into Google or another search engine to see what is out there. When your results are displayed Google allows you to fine tune your search. Simply click on Search Tools and you indicate the time span that you would like displayed.

In summary, cyberbullys can make your life miserable and take your concentration away from more important issues, if you let them. To be successful at networking you need to open yourself up to possibilities and unfortunately one of those possibilities is that someone will want to take advantage of you or do harm. I hope that this article will give you strategies to regain your power should you encounter a cyberbully. Bullying in any form should not be tolerated and we all need to do our part to reduce it. Please share this article with anyone that you feel may benefit.

Making Marketing Work In Your Business

I have said it before, and I will say it again, YOU are the marketing expert that your business needs!

Now, how will you make sure that you don't miss an opportunity to ensure that everyone who needs to hear your marketing message actually does? Think about it. There are literally THOUSANDS of people who are looking for exactly what you are offering right now. They are either actively searching for you and your services or subconsciously being nagged by that unmet need that prevents peace in their lives. This is huge. You have the answer to this nagging problem that they are seeking. All they need to do is understand that and BOTH of you will benefit. The problem is, you may not be in their view or in their thoughts!

And they can't FIND you unless you put yourself out there where you can actually be found!

So, how do you do this?

In my coaching program I teach that there are EIGHT SPOKES in the marketing wheel that you need to have in your business to be successful. I want to talk about TWO of them that I feel are important because they are free or very low-cost.

First, are you NETWORKING? You need to be setting time aside EVERY WEEK for networking. This could be through a weekly networking meeting or you could choose one day a week to set appointments and meet with people who either need your services directly or who can help you connect with others who do. I can't stress enough the importance of this. Ever heard the statement, "It's not what you know but who you know?" You should be making a point to build relationships with others who know you and will recommend you without hesitation.

An expert networker actually is working smarter vs. harder because they have a whole team of people helping them build their business at all times. This strategy is often referred to as your "unpaid sales force." You don't pay in cash, instead, your contribution is the effort it takes in building reciprocal, quality relationships; and when approached correctly, the payoff has significant cash value.

Second, do you have a Facebook PAGE for your business? Not only should you have a Facebook page set up you should be regularly posting messages on it while making a point to increase the number of "fans" that you have. If you are a child of the sixties or seventies and can remember a time when Facebook didn't exist, this suggestion might be an eyebrow raiser and you might even cringe somewhat at the thought but it's a tried and true strategy for getting the word out there about your product or service.

If you didn't even blink, then you already understand why this is so important and probably already have a page set up. Either way, if you aren't utilizing social networking in your business then you are missing a critical marketing opportunity. Utilizing Facebook is a marketing strategy that, if implemented properly, will quickly and easily help create the visibility that you need for your business.

I think it's pretty clear by now just how IMPORTANT I feel that marketing is for your success. I'll be talking about this more in the future but for now, ask yourself if the two "spokes" I've mentioned above are part of your "marketing wheel" and if they aren't; call me right away so I can help you make sure that they are!

Your action plan:

1. Join a networking organization and do what the successful networkers are doing.

2. Allocate one day of your week to be your networking day and make it an effective day.

3. Set up a Facebook page and contribute valuable tidbits. Don't spend more than 15 minutes making your daily posts. Use this as a tool to gain visibility; don't get sucked into a time wasting activity.

Work From Home Ideas - Why Should You Ignore Residual Income Opportunities?

There are several ways to make money from home and a couple of different types of income you can earn. By now you have probably heard talk of residual income and how desirable it is amongst entrepreneurs. But there are several things you need to keep in mind prior to jumping on any residual income work from home ideas yourself.

One of the biggest problems people face with residual income opportunities is thinking it will all fall into place quickly. Far too many people are under the impression that you can start a work from home idea and be raking in dough the first week. After a few weeks pass with little to no results to show for their efforts, most people end up quitting.

What you need to realize is it takes a great deal of time and effort to truly succeed with a residual income opportunity. If you are looking to make money quick, this is not the route to take. If you are looking for a program that is completely automated and does the selling for you, you will want to move on.

As with anything else that you would work to build up, residual income work from home ideas take time, energy and hard work to actually make the most of it. It is important you think logically with online opportunities. If it were easy and quick to make money with a specific idea, don't you think everyone would be jumping on it?

Although there is the potential for tremendous results in the long-run, there is no guarantee that you will have any success whatsoever with a residual income opportunity. The problem is you must stick with it in order to see if it is going to work. This involves you sticking with something for at least six months with the hope that it will pay off. If it does not, you will have wasted six months of your time while generating little to no money whatsoever. This is a huge risk.

It is a personal decision you will need to make. Are you willing to put all of your marbles into the bag and hope that it pays off or would you rather go for something that is a sure thing? While the potential results could be far greater with a residual income, it could also lead to nothing more than a waste of six months or more. This is precisely why you want to ignore residual income work from home ideas.

Internet Work - Marketing Tips

Free Internet work opportunities you can perform from your residence are possible and seem to be a topic you hear a lot of people talking about these days.

If you are searching for Internet Work you will come across a huge volume of internet sites that offer you these types of opportunities or better said claim to offer you these opportunities. It reminds me of years ago before the internet was what it is today, the mailers offering people a position as a mail stuffer for a membership fee. Back in those days many of these companies were not so reputable and the same thing happens now with all these websites claiming to offer you work in exchange for a membership fee.

Then, how do you know which websites are legitimate and which ones are not?

First, try to Google reviews of the site in question, go to the forums and become active, ask questions and you'll be surprised at how much honest feedback you'll get. You'll be amazed at the number of these sites there are out there just to get your money.

You have to think about something, a big part of the world is experiencing some big changes in economy, there seems to be a lot of fear in the workforce and of course there are many good reasons for that since here in the United States the single digits of unemployment rate have been very close to the high single digits since 2007.

As a result many people are turning to jobs on net to try to find a solution or to have a backup plan in order not to have all their income depending on one source which is their job.

If you find a site that you find good reviews about and it really seems like something you'll like to try, you can always check if they have a trial period this way at least your money is secure. Personally I like trial periods because I get to test the products, see if I'm really happy with them and if I like them and if I do then I keep them and work with them, if not I just cancel the trial period and no hard feelings. I like ClickBank for that reason, ClickBank is an affiliate program network and the sellers that sell their digital products through them, have to adhere to a no questions asked return policy.

Also, you should always keep in mind sites like Craigslist, Elance or Freelancer. The Internet Work offered on these sites is typically of good reputation. At the beginning it might be a little hard to get your foot in the door just like in many situations but once you have accomplished a few tasks for your online employers and start getting good reviews you'll be on your way up and you'll consider sites like these to be a great career builder for you.

A good thing to remember is that, there is nothing that replaces hard work and dedication.

Is Your Net Working? Become a Thought Leader

Wikipedia defines a thought leader as being an individual or firm that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought and often rewarded.

Would being recognized as a leader in your field or in your business make a difference to your bottom line? Is it possible for mere mortals, average people like you and I to become thought leaders?

I believe that it is not only possible to become a leader in your specific field but that it is in the reach of most of us to do so. With my keen interest in developing my business networking skills I am working towards becoming one of those thought leaders. I write about practical networking skills development for shy people as well as those that have some networking skills and want to improve their success rate.

Am I an expert at networking? In theory yes, in practice, not as much. I write about the subject of networking and shyness because they have caused me problems throughout my life. I've tested the tips & techniques that I offer and I know from first hand experience that they work. I also know that the lessons that I have learned can be very beneficial to others that are experiencing similar difficulties. Recent studies have indicated that over 50% of Americans consider themselves to be shy. That is a huge market awaiting me to become an expert.

My researching the topic of networking has been educational for me in several ways. I have learned that I know more than a lot of people on the subject yet not as much as I could. My anxiety in networking situations has been steadily reducing as I become more educated on the subject and my effectiveness is increasing.

My goal is to become a thought leader on the subject of business networking. I am open to the fame and fortune that will come my way when I do so. It would be nice though if this happened a little sooner rather than later.

Is it really possible to become the thought leader on a subject that you are experienced with? Perhaps it might be helpful to replace the word "the" in the previous sentence with "a." You don't have to be the top expert on your subject. You can become one of many and still be an effective thought leader. You also don't have to compete on the world stage. Odds are that your local community and its surrounding geography could support you being its top thought leader on a specific subject.

So how does one become a thought leader? I will offer a few suggestions that you might want to consider.

To be a thought leader you actually have to give some thought to the subject that you want to be an expert in. That sounds rather obvious at first but I don't believe that it is. Many entrepreneurs and business people are caught up in working in their business rather than working on their business. Day to day they provide a service or a product in their business without taking the time to think about how to grow their business so that they can realize even greater revenue. Becoming a thought leader involves investing in yourself.

I believe that it was Brian Tracy who said that if you read about a specific subject for one hour a day, in five years you will become a world leading expert on your subject. In essence, he is referring to becoming a thought leader. Thought leaders are well read.

Thought leaders are also well spoken. Many people believe that you are born with good public speaking skills or that it is a gift. There is no truth to that belief. Public speaking skills are no different than any other skills. You get better with practice and feedback providing corrective action. If you don't, you won't. It is also a matter of using it or losing it. To continually develop your public speaking skills you need to consistently work at it. I have been working on honing my communication skills over the past 20 years as a member of Toastmasters International, the world's leading inexpensive provider of communication and leadership skills development. Whether you are an experienced speaker looking for opportunities to speak or a beginning speaker wanting to get over your stage fright, Toastmasters is the place to do so.

Speak well, speak often!

Thought leaders are good writers. The old saying that "the pen is mightier than the sword" readily comes to mind. To be able to influence people and in turn lead them you need to be able to write in a manner that not only grabs the reader's attention it spurs them into taking action. The challenge is in writing so that your message is understood by the reader. The average North American reads at a grade seven level. Your challenge is to write so that they can understand it yet not have your material so dumbed down that you insult those with higher literacy skills.

On-line bulletin boards, chat rooms and social media venues such as LinkedIn have helped level the playing field for those that tend to be on the shy side. You can be as bold as you want to be with your on-line persona.

LinkedIn has a relatively new feature where you can follow Thought Leaders from around the world. Some of them like Sir Richard Branson have a couple million followers. I don't follow him but I guess a lot of people are interested in what he has to say. Others on the list have a mere 30000 followers. Wouldn't that be nice? It helps to look at that 30000 or so as being a number that could be achievable, assuming of course that it is something that you desired.

I'm guessing but I believe that LinkedIn likely has a group dedicated to almost any subject that you can think of. You are allowed to follow and be a member of up to 50 groups at a time. To help gain exposure for yourself you can post questions or submit an article of interest to share with others. You can also provide answers or commentary on questions or discussions that others have posted. This can be a great way to create credibility for yourself and develop a reputation as being one who gives thought to a particular subject. It is also okay to disagree with what is written as long as you follow the rule of thumb of disagreeing with the opinion of the person rather than the person. There are ways to soften a response that differs from the writer such as "My experience has been a little different... "

To be a thought leader, or a leader of any type, you have to have followers. I am fond of a saying that goes "If you think that you are leading and you turn around and see that no one is following you, then you are really just out for a walk." I think that we all need to turn around every so often and see if anyone is following us.

We haven't answered the question yet of why we would even want to become a thought leader? Fame and fortune certainly would be nice but on a smaller scale there is great value in becoming the "go to" person if a problem arises that you have the expertise to resolve.

I have been lead to believe that the media is always looking for experts on a specific subject. It would be great to be on a short list of experts that the media reaches out to when they need a quote or sound byte on a topical subject. This is not only great attention for you but it also raises attention for your business. It can be a great conversation starter. Can you imagine being able to respond to the question of "so... what's new?" with "Oh, I was on the Oprah show last week." We might have to settle with an interview by the local AM radio station but you never know who is listening or what it might lead to.

Followers need leaders. If you lead, people will likely follow you. This can be an effective way to develop your business network. Get to know with your followers. Connect with them. Try it and see what happens. Let me know how your net's working.

Is Your Net Working? You Get Back What You Give

I recently noticed the often used saying "You Get Back What You Give" written in large letters on a roadside display board at a local church. Perhaps they are stating the obvious but then one's base personality of being an optimist or a pessimist might come into play. Do you see the world as one of opportunity or as one of danger and threats?

If you are a believer in the law of attraction you have likely also heard the sayings "you reap what you sew" or "what you think about comes about." Dr. Ivan Meisner, Founder of BNI describes this as the "Givers Gain" principal. The law of reciprocity says that if you provide a service or favour for another they will likely feel obligated to return the favour. I have read somewhere that it creates a tension in the individual who has received a favour to the extent that they feel a discomfort until they have returned the favour and evened the score. This may be at a subconscious level and they wouldn't even be aware of why they are doing it.

The example above refers to the results that can occur for helping another individual. Sometimes, cause and effect aren't related in time. Meaning that you can't always see your results nor can they always be attributed to your actions. The law of attraction would have you believe that if you put out something good to the Universe it will respond by having something good return to you. The results that you obtain aren't always related to the good that you put out though. It could come back to you from a different, perhaps unexpected source.

So what does this have to do with business networking? When you provide assistance or a favour for another individual without the expectation of gain, the Universe will balance it out and you will receive something in return. Providing a business referral to someone in your network could result in multiple referrals back to you.

An easy way to start this in motion is to create and submit a testimonial for someone in your network and submit it to their LinkedIn profile under the appropriate heading i.e. where you have worked with them or know of their work. Odds are that they will become motivated to submit one in return on your behalf. This action has an added benefit of displaying your name in their profile which is linked to yours. People are curious and frequently read the LinkedIn testimonials. A well written one will reflect well on you.

Another easy favour that you can do for someone is to Like their Facebook page or a specific entry that they have made. It helps to give them credibility as well highlights your name somewhat. The same applies to LinkedIn. Post a favourable comment on something an individual has written or click on the Like button.

We all have skills and expertise that we use everyday in our jobs and businesses. What we take for granted might be awe-inspiring in others. Consider doing some pro bono work for others. Doing so can significantly help someone in need and can also give you that warm fuzzy feeling that we sometimes crave. You never know what you will receive in return once you set this action in place.

If you know the person well enough and you are comfortable doing so, offer their name as a referral if someone is looking for a service or product that they provide.

Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not there is enough anecdotal evidence out there that indicates that the principal of "Givers Gain" actually works. I would challenge you to test it out and see for yourself. Try it and see what happens. Let me know how your net's working.

Five Ways To Get Your Net - Working For You

I have been investing a great deal of time exploring the online networking advantages for my business as well as possible benefits I could pass on to my clients. I began with LinkedIn thanks to my good friend sending me an invitation last summer. I developed my profile and then - that was it. In the past few month however, I have worked to expand my network and join several networking groups, and have realized many the benefits it can afford to me and even more importantly my clients. Listed below are five ways for job seekers to use groups and formal networking to drive their job search and expand opportunities.

1. There are many local networks in every community that not only network as businesses but offer areas on their sites where resumes can be reviewed and also where jobs are listed that are available in your area. Check into local associations within your industry as well, their sites. They usually offer similar job and resume boards. Not only is it free but you are opening your network and job search needs to more people than you could have possibly imagined by joining and using several local networks as job boards.

2. When using these networks make sure to become an active participant. Start with a greeting to the group vial email. Provide a quick introduction of who you are and what you offer and what your current needs are such as a sales job within a particular industry.

Develop and save a descriptive signature to be used when signing your name. In your signature, include your name, email address, contact phone number and any addresses where your resume can be viewed online. You could also include your LinkedIn address and use a well-crafted profile to provide a detailed description of your past achievement and potential to an interested company.

Use this signature every time you respond on a group's e-list or forum. It is a convenient way for others in the group to easily contact you without researching you in order to find your contact information. It also reminds members of who you are and what you are looking for.

3. Use the networking sites to your advantage by asking questions, getting involved in conversations or topics which you can contribute to. When contributing, make sure that you follow the rules of the group, using appropriate language, content etc. This should not be a problem since you are trying to attract and impress potential contacts and even employers.

As you begin contributing to the groups, one thing to keep in mind is to not dominate every conversation with your input. Some people feel the need to comment on every topic or conversation. The result is that you come across with watered-down integrity, someone who just wants to add their .02 cents and "hear themselves talk" whether it is needed, helpful or otherwise. Find the effective balance and you'll be taken serious and get noticed for the right reasons.

4. I have also seen many incidents of job seekers asking for help from the group with her job search. Often by asking for members to keep an ear open for the position she is seeking or by asking for an introduction to a contact or hiring manager of a particular company. The local groups are especially productive for this type of networking.

Groups to consider becoming involved with can include your local county or business groups, women's clubs, men's clubs, chamber organizations, or college alumni group. Once you start looking you will be surprised how many groups are available and open to the public.

5. Remember to let the groups know when you have successfully found a job. Thank each group for their support and assistance. Any specific members that have helped you deserve a personalized thank you note. Don't quit participating in the groups just because you found a job. They still offer great friendships, knowledge, future knowledge, future contacts and many other things that may just surprise you. You don't need to stay active in all the groups but just the few that really caught your attention and you felt comfortable participating in.

Online networking is growing very quick and if you get too caught up in joining groups and contributing to all of the groups and activities associated with some of the more active groups; you won't have time to search for a new job. Do take some time to work through the vast groups available to you. Find out which groups you feel will be most helpful and give them a try. It is a great way to meet others in your industry and gain wisdom through your new found connections.

Network Marketing Doesn't Work For Everyone

Often it's the little things that when added up are the reasons for your business not working for you.

Listen closely...there are business systems out there that are little more than a glorification of their owner. So called gurus selling dreams that once purchased, leave the buyer in a lurch. My advice to you is to ask plenty of questions. I've outlined three questions that I'd be sure to ask in addition to the ten questions below before investing any of my money. As they say, "Buyer, beware!"

* Is the business selling and telling, cold calling?
* Are you expected to market to your family, neighbors anybody within 3 feet of you?
* Are you instructed to focus on the product, company, opportunity?

I've outlined 10 important questions you must consider before beginning a business of your own, and unfortunately after you understand these 10 you're still a long way from success.

What is the nature of the company?
Forget the word "home based"! Business is business and if you don't do your homework and ask tough questions you are sure to be taking too large a risk. Make sure you know the full nature of any business you invest in.

How long have they been in existence?
Many business ventures go in and out of existence, dying out and then reinventing themselves under another name. Find out exactly how long they have been doing business under said name and whether the same owner has been involved in any unscrupulous or failed businesses prior.

What kind of products are they selling?
Are the products something you can believe in and use? It's hard to be committed to something if you don't believe in it.

How will this business satisfy your wants and needs?
Will this business provide the financial support that you need and desire? Will your personal life have to suffer in order to be successful with this business?

What is the comp plan?
How quickly will you be able to see financial results from this business? How often do payments go out and is this system dependable?

Are their ideals something you could support?
What is the Mission Statement of this business? If you don't feel comfortable with a business it will be hard to maintain the desire and commitment that are needed for success.

Could you see yourself working at this?
The right mixture of vision and passion is absolutely necessary. If you can't imagine yourself working at this wholeheartedly, then this business isn't for you.

How is the system laid out?
Is the system easy to understand or complicated? Are you at ease with the lay out?

Have you heard anything good or bad about them?
Be sure to do your research on the company. Check with the business bureau in the city where they are located. Search the Internet for any reviews or gossip. Ask friends and colleagues if they've heard of the company.

Are they heavily marketed at the moment?
How many marketers are working in this business? Are there any real opportunities for you to make money with this venture or is it already saturated with other marketers?

For an honest look at what's working in network marketing, go to someone who is already doing it. Seek out someone who is right there in the trenches, making it happen.

The Networking Bypass

We all know the importance of "getting out there" and networking. As we are looking for a new opportunity, in transition, growing a business or being more professional, it is essential to market ourselves. But in the mist of all these events, conversations and connections, sometimes there are certain things which are still not in place. Of course, we can not wait until circumstances are perfect to launch our academics, careers, business etc. So what do professionals, students, entrepreneurs do or say when our objectives are not crystal clear? In these cases, do not avoid networking functions or skirt around the topics/encounters.

Listed below are helpful tips for making the most of your business and social engagements.

Online Presence

Perhaps you have started a business or re-branding and do not have a functional website up and running. In your industry or business, you get a percentage of your customers and referrals from online resources etc. At your next event, offer your potential customer or client to connect with you via email. Send an email with a flier, list of services or any relevant information in regards to you or your business. Offer to connect on additional social media outlets to extend your business and following. Make sure to send a personal message with your website link, once the site is published to the public.

Professional Experience

If you are new in your organization, industry or business it can be difficult establishing credibility with little experience. In this case, focus on other aspects of your professional or academic career which can build your brand and marketability. For example, if you are a lawyer and recently started a private practice, mention the school you attended. Engage your potential clients in any of your specialties. Mention top clients or awards which you received.

Products / Services

If you are an entrepreneur and have a new business, this is an excellent opportunity to find new clients. Talk about how you are different from your competition and how you would service specific needs and offer solutions and advice. Offer knowledge about incentives offers and promotions. If you are a consultant, share the different methods of how you coach and advise your clients.

Tips on Networking

Today I wanted to share a couple of tips on Networking.

Why Networking?

Well it's no secret that well connected people are normally the most effective when it concerns developing or running a business online or offline. I will not attempt to explain why in this post today but rather wanted to provide some tips that will truly assist you build a big network. handshake.

#1. Attend Occasion.

Going to neighborhood, regional and national events and seminars is one of the best ways to fulfill and interact with people in your niche. You could think about going to a regional occasion that you find on There are lots of numerous regional teams that hold regular and regular monthly meetings you can use. Likewise look for bigger occasions in your area or throughout the country. "You Never Know" is among my preferred sayings and when it pertains to going to huge events... ya never ever understand who you are going to meet or what connections you will make that will have a big effect for you in the future.

#2. Network On Facebook.

2nd to going to occasions is networking on Facebook. This tool has truly opened up the entire world to everybody. See to it you are following and having favorable interactions with people you fulfill. Keep in mind Facebook is not a place to push your business on others. I prefer to do genuine networking and afterwards make the appropriate invite at the right time if it makes good sense.

#3. Take note of everyone you ever satisfy.

Among my coaches taught me a long time ago that you need to take note of everybody you ever fulfill or connect with. Record their names and essential information like, e-mail, address, birthdays and make a note about how you fulfilled them. Then any time you have contact with them you log it. You will be astonished when you do this how quick your network will expand due to the fact that you are really keeping track of them. This will be your MANY useful property in your business going ahead. You do not have to be ideal at organization... just keep track.

#4. Have regular contact with your network.

Ensure that a minimum of 3 to 4 times a year you have some kind of contact with your network. Birthday cards, Hand composed notes and gifts, Call simply to see how they are doing, emails and Facebook messages simply to state "Hey". This is a super crucial action as you wish to make certain you nourish your network.

#5. Link your network together.

Among my mentors recommended this to me and it works marvels. Once or twice a week I constantly attempt to present people in my network to each other. I try to find people in the exact same niche or business and just make an e-mail or Skype intro. It just takes a few minutes each week and it reveals that you truly care about the people you interact with. It likewise has a side perk... many individuals you do this with will also present you to their network!

If you wish to start or grow any kind of business, networking is really a task that you want to work with. In fact it could be the MOST crucial task for a long term business. You never ever know when things will change in your life. If you build a large network, you will constantly have something to help you from the difficult times or motivate you to greatness.

Back to Networking

The Summer vacation is over. Students are headed back to school. The Fall is officially here. This is the perfect opportunity for savvy professionals to gain their second wind in networking. Moving along with your networking agenda / calendar, it is prime time for attending more social and business events. Focusing on your networking goals and how to strategically grow your network are vital.

Listed below are tips for effectively advancing in your endeavors for big success.

Hit Refresh

Just like using the internet, from time to time, savvy networkers have to refresh their networking practices. Starting on a clean slate and prioritizing are key factors in productivity. Consider re-connecting with trusted colleagues and following up with contacts for additional referrals and leads. Remember networking is a two-way street. Be available for business and helping others in their dealings.

Groups / Associations

Be an active member in your groups and associations. Attend meetings on a regular basis and make it a point to add value. Although growing your networks is essential, do not use these meet-ups as a basis to over sell or over promote your initiatives. Find ways of getting to know your fellow colleagues and dong profitable, mutual business. Also, make sure that the mission of these organizations falls directly in line with your career, business or social objectives.

Checks and Balances

As you are moving forward in your processes, do not hesitate to give yourself an internal audit or performance appraisal. Follow through and be on point with your methods and ways of networking. It is important to be as efficient and effective as possible, to obtain the best results. This guarantees your longevity and success.

These tips can definitely energize your networking mission. Most importantly focus on adding value and building meaningful relationships for extending your social and business connections.

Networking Patience

Being overly aggressive or impatient can backfire in the game of networking. Although savvy networkers are results driven, strike a balance and be reasonable in your requests. Find additional ways to share resources, develop relationships and add value without offending or annoying your counterparts.

Listed below are easy, practical and useful ways of navigating through contacts and relationships while networking.

Time Frame

Do your due diligence and follow up in a timely matter, after attending events and making contacts. Before offering products, services and contacts, make it a point to set a time for reconnection. Assess your schedule and the other individuals' work/social demands and plan accordingly to meet up at a later time. Be flexible in the ways you can meet up via phone, through video conferencing or social media outlets. Keep in mind various work, travel agendas. As always, after suggesting a time to meet, be flexible if changes may arise.

Proceed with Caution

Do not push the envelope and cut to the chase on the first follow up. Keep in mind the importance of adding value and paying it forward. Continue to share ideas, look for mutual interests and common ground before trying to sell something or ask for specific help. Give your counterpart an opportunity to get to know you and feel comfortable doing business with you. Show your personality strengths and core values to set the foundation of the relationship.


Consider periodically connecting with your counterparts after your second or third meet up. Set time within your calendar to follow up and touch base and maintain the relationships. Focus on developing and merging networks to strengthen the networking processes. At this point, you can comfortably ask for referral, leads or recommendations. Also be willing to offer those as well.

Use these tips to develop and leverage quality and meaningful relationships. Show sincerity and professionalism in your interaction for good results.

How To Not Fail In Your Network Marketing Business

I have taken a hard look at network marketing to try to determine the ways one can be successful in one. I have come to the conclusion that the best way to not fail in network marketing is not to join a network marketing company to begin with.
This remedy will suffice with all people except those who are self-admitted network marketing junkies. In which I am one.
These people are attracted to these types of business models like a moth to a flame.
Of course I'm half-joking, but there are people out there that want a "sure thing." These are the same people who don't think education and personal development plays a role in their network marketing success. It is these people who should avoid failing in their network marketing company by not joining one to begin with.
For the rest of us who absolutely must join a company, then you must know that you have to learn about marketing sooner or later. The best way to get around this is to only build your business through your warm market and cold calling leads.
If you are fine building your business this way, then you don't have to know anything about marketing-right? Wrong.
What about the people you bring into your business, you know your downline? What if they don't want to cold call leads or what if they don't have a warm market? What do you tell these people? You should have an arsenal of marketing techniques ready to give to those in your downline who don't want to build the business your way.
Therefore, another way to avoid failing in your network marketing company is to learn alternative ways to market your business besides working your warm market and buying leads. Most people don't like calling leads, aren't good at it or just don't have a sufficient budget that supports buying them consistently.
If you rely on your upline for everything from supplying leads to teaching you every marketing method known to man, then you are too dependent upon them for your success. Put your success of your business in your hands, not your uplines. Be self-sufficient. This is another way to avoid failing in your network marketing company.

Lastly, you should have retail products in place that you can sell to your prospects that educates them and at the same time puts money in your pocket. It's a fact that most people who fail in network marketing run out of money to fund their business properly. This solves that problem and helps you avoid potential business failure.
You will make money whether or not prospects join your business. You've also recouped your marketing costs too and put more money back into your marketing budget. This is known in the industry as a self-funded proposal. I call it good old fashioned business sense.

Empower Network Bonus That Will Blow Your Mind

If you've produced the wise choice to put money into David Wood and David Sharpe's Empower Network, then great job. For as low as $25, you're likely to have access for the biggest and most powerful viral blog system on the planet. Assisting you to generate 100+ Free of charge leads each day and make plenty of upfront cash inside your business.

But it's about to acquire even much better due to the fact when you join Empower Network from this incredibly page you are on right now, I am going to offer you as much as $928.00 in No cost bonus's.

Why have I've decided to make this insane offer you? It's uncomplicated, I'm operating toward turning into certainly one of the best 20 affiliate's inside the Empower Network community. But unless I have an amazing give for people who join through my link, why would they?

That is why I've chose to supply up to $841.97 in No cost Bonuses when you join "Empower Network" from this page. I want you on my crew and I am prepared to spend for it. So my business partner and I have spent the past 2.5 weeks, working day in and day out, to put together the hottest Cost-free Empower Network Bonus possible

Here is what you will be gonna get whenever you join my team: So there are 3 different entry levels that you can are available in at with empower network. Which means we've designed 3 distinctive bonus presents for every degree of commitment.

Empower Network Bonus Bunch #1
Standard Member - $25 /month

1) 30 High quality Posts (directly transferred each day or in bulk) $147.00 Value

Empower Network's viral blogging system is all about content marketing. Getting fresh, unique, and important content everyday is important to obtaining tons of No cost traffic with this method. Which is why we have discovered a way to deposit top quality content material straight for your Empower Network blog on auto-pilot. This can save you tons of time and get you off to a quick commence appropriate out of the gate.

2) Instant Access to our "Critical Good results Membership Site" $97.00 Value

3) Assistance & Ongoing Trainings

Empower Network Bonus Pack #2
Standard + Inner Circle Member Up grade - $125 /month

1) 60 Top quality Articles (these values are based on $5 per article) $297.00 Worth

2) Immediate Access to the "Critical Accomplishment Membership Site" $97.00 Worth

This is where you will learn basic Search Engine Optimization. Which fundamentally means managing the search engines to obtain higher search positions is Internet search. Clearly higher ratings will result in more visitors and the a lot more visitors you have for your Empower Network blog the more leads and sales you can make.

3) Support & Continuous Teaching

4) Thirty Minute Consultation To Me $97.00 Value

Now I am no David Wood or David Sharpe, however my experience has put me in the leading 3% of entrepreneurs online today. And I definitely know what it requires to acquire a lot of visitors and leads on the web. But you should guarantee to not discuss what we discover in this discussion with only anyone because these techniques could be hazardous if kept in the wrong fingers.

Empower Network Bonus Package #3
Standard + Inner + Costa Rica Intensive
$125 /month & $500 once

This bonus is what really separates the intense entrepreneur from the masses. Which can be why I have put together the sickest package deal possible for you whenever you come it at this levels. You all set just for this?

1) 120 Top quality Articles - Yes! Four complete months of top quality unique content material deposited straight to your Empower Network blog on complete auto-pilot. More SEO optimized content material signifies more site visitors, leads and cash flow for you. $597.00 Value

2) Instant Access to the "Critical Good results Membership Site" **Note: You are able to leverage this site towards the folks you bring into the Empower Network as a bonus. Pretty sweet, huh? $97.00 Value

3) Help & Ongoing Trainings

4) A Full 60 Minute Appointment with me $197.00 Value

5) Comprehensive SEO Campaign Blast to certainly one of your blog posts & videos each month. $37.00 Worth

I personal a complete arsenal of high level SEO tools and will do a comprehensive promotional boost to any one of your posts once per month.

5 Essential Tools For The Aspiring Network Marketer

Whether you're a serious contender in network marketing or just testing the waters, it's important that you use all the resources at your disposal to make sure your experience in this industry is maximized. Knowing what these resources are and how to use them will also help you increase your chances of succeeding in this business. Here are some of the most essential tools every network marketer should have:

A Website

These days, the faster you can distribute information, the more competitive you become. Many network marketing companies offer free websites or web pages for their members. These often contain the necessary features that can be used to promote the company brand, accept orders from and even interact with customers.

From the website, the network marketer can build his business and be introduced into the industry. It's like a badge or identification that lets people know that the marketer is part of a reputable company and is authorized to do business.

A Blog

Apart from the website, another essential tool for network marketers is the blog. The blog can function as the network marketer's personal page where he can write about his experiences with the network marketing company, launch promotions and answer issues and inquiries from customers and prospective recruits.

A blog can be a relatively intimate tool, allowing the network marketer to communicate on a more personal level. It will help put a face on the brand and the business. It also helps him become recognized in network marketing circles.

Online Resources

E-mails, chats, discussion forums, articles, links, auto-responders... these tools are all essential for network marketers. They are all designed to make communicating with customers and recruits easier and faster.

Every network marketer should learn how to use these tools in their network marketing business. If they are utilized well, they can be very effective in helping sell a product, recruit new members and build new business relationships.

The Calling Card

True, majority of the promotions and recruitment activities for network marketing businesses are done online but there will always be situations and events that will require personal contact.

Consider conventions, meetings, trade fairs and other promotional activities, for example. Experienced network marketers take advantage of these events to meet their peers and exchange information and industry news. However, these events also serve as recruiting pools and opportunities for creating new businesses.

An essential tool that will serve an excellent purpose for network marketers for situations such as these is the calling card. It's an old staple of traditional business but it works very well with network marketing.

Every time a network marketer meets someone who could be a potential customer, recruit, mentor or business partner, the calling card should be presented. It then becomes a highly indispensable tool. It serves to introduce and connect the giver to the recipient.

Product Samples

Another essential tool that every network marketer should have is the product sample. Although there are people who can easily appreciate the benefits of a product based on brochures and pamphlets, the majority of potential customers will often require more proof.

Some network marketing companies often provide their members samples of their products in small trial sizes. These small sachets, bottles and tubes can serve as an excellent marketing tool, particularly because prospective customers can take them home and try them for free.

Since customers can evaluate the quality and value of the products, they are much more likely to buy. The fact that customers can use and trust a brand through product samples makes them essential tools for network marketers.

To learn "cutting-edge"ways to use these 5 essential tools to grow your network marketing business beyond your wildest dreams, follow the link in my resource box now.

Social Networks development Main Prospects

Today there are a lot social networks in the world and the most popular of them already have hundreds of millions users and their audience is still growing. Nowadays we can distinguish some most important tendencies in social networks development:
- Socializing of everything - today every website is created with some social functions.
- Development of niche oriented social networks
- Introducing social networks in business
- Mobile social networks
These tendencies are logical and understandable and in this article we will tell you abut the social networks prospects in the nearest future.

Today there is a great number of social networks in Internet but every day new networks are created. Recently these are mainly niche social network: for millionaires and top managers, for dog lovers and people with particular hobbies. There are too many social networks for everybody and that's why niche oriented social networks become more and more popular. The recent example of interesting niche social networks is Africa social network designed specially for Africans and their needs. There are also popular social networks for moms and for relatives. Today more and more closed social networks appear. You can not just register their - for such social network you need an invitation and usually must meet some criteria. There are such closed networks for celebrity, for just very reach people or for beautiful ones. And according to experts the number of such networks for "chosen" will only grow.

Business networks also become extremely popular. Professional networks are not just entertainment - they are useful and often help users to find new business partners and to find new contacts.
Most of social networks are unique in some way and will sure enough find their audience.
It's also necessary to emphasize the appearance of new type of social networks - e-mail networks. They are created by such great companies as Google and Yahoo.
More than that, nowadays social networks often become substitutes for some other websites. It is especially noticeable on the example of professional Media. There is a version that social networks can be dangerous for such companies. But today the biggest Media are already preparing social functions for their projects.

Business social networks are the most perspective nowadays. And Cisco social network can be viewed as a first successful project in this sphere. In any big company the staff is located in different cities and often even countries and this of course create some problems in communication. The inner corporative network can solve all these problems. Such network also helps the stuff to communicate and know each other better, that's why it is very useful in team-building.

Mobile social networks also develop rapidly today. Mobile networks help people to meet in real life and this makes them extremely popular. In such network you can send a message with your recent location and all users that are somehow connected with you will receive it. So you can quickly and easily meet with a great number of people that are now nearby. , but they will be mostly niche social networks. Such networks oriented on some segment of the internet audience will always find their fans.

A Quick Overview Of Managed Networking Support For Business

The Managed Networking Support is your company’s most excellent protection against disastrous downtimes as well as service interruptions. For example, the smallest amount interruption to your communication network is able to have a huge plus serious impact on your company’s financials. It could disrupt corporation operations as well as could impede punctual release of services. A serious network outage is able to also affect your company’s ability to react to some emergencies. In a dangerous situation, a small delay in your reply could signify big profit losses or missing commerce opportunities. In order to stop such scenarios from happening, you will require the technological know-how of a Network Support Service.
Sideways from outages, a Managed Networking Support service is able to bulletproof your network from safety breaches plus failures. You have to appreciate that addition of your skill property requires additional multifaceted network architecture. By integrating VoIP, CD, as well as data services that are able to be accessed through multiple devices plus location, the hazard of safety failures plus infiltrations produces considerably. So you require a dedicated team of network professionals that can check, track, plus assess the vulnerabilities of the whole network. If you obtain a managed service from side to side network Support Corporation, and then your corporation will be able to apply complete safety systems plus events that be able to protect the whole network. This proactive approach to network safety is able to reduce the damages that are able to be caused by failures.
Finally, Managed Networking Support is fewer expensive than behind the network communications through in-house experts. To support converged as well as multifaceted networks, a corporation will require deploying in-house experts, implementing a complete variety of network solutions, as well as behind these solutions with more than a few network applications. Every this will of course cost bigger savings which might put damage to the financials of little businesses. To considerably cut the cost of network organization as well as support, the merely practical answer for you is to employ a network support service. By captivating advantage of the expertise plus experience of Managed Networking Services, your business can achieve complete network safety without spending too much on technology answer deployments.
In a humanity where meeting becomes more and more significant, companies should make stronger their network capabilities. It could be done in-house other than the price be able to be too high-priced particularly for smaller businesses. So if you desire to safeguard your network from disastrous interruptions plus safety failures, getting the services of a business that provides Managed Network Support solution is you're most excellent option. This type of IT Network Support model is extra manageable, well-organized, plus cost effectual.

you're educated in information network answers with CompTIA Network, Network Course and Network+Exam

As a result of the current technological improvement, the details know-how topic has long been flanked with quite a few IT experts whose credibility and competence is but to become proven. Fairly a great deal of these specialists come with all types of certificates to show that certainly they have been in an IT class. Nonetheless, planning to class and getting a certificate will not suggest that you are properly versed with the data needed inside the area. It has therefore turn out to become extremely vital for anybody who features a dream of succeeding in the subject of IT to go a step further and acquire a CompTIA network certification. This certification is essential to an IT skilled because it largely offers with network security matters that for a really long time have been a major hassle in numerous organizations which have info networks.

This CompTIA network certification is generally a vendor-certification supplied by colleges and universities to IT professionals after successfully finishing a network training course. This class is specifically about network security and administration. It is typically observed as the stepping stone to higher and added superior certifications this kind of due to the fact the CISSP and much more. An IT professionals that has effectively acquired the CompTIA network security certificates, can satisfactorily deal with any type of network security draw back no matter how difficult the community could be. What is additional, CompTIA network programs do not require 1 to be an IT expert. The sole specifications consist of two many years of operating expertise, and an A+ certification. The primary cause why the candidate must have some many years of expertise is since the training course entails quite lots of MCSE and CEH and 1 must be educated in these areas for easier comprehending.

Immediately's organizations purpose on networks which imply that, if you are educated in data network answers, you will have an simpler chance of finding an occupation in any type of business. This network program puts you a phase a head of the remainder inside the occupation market. In case you are currently operating as an IT competent, using a network class will put you inside a far better location of obtaining task promotions. The central aim of this CompTIA network class is offering the candidate added abilities and talent to deal with any type of information neighborhood downside resembling setup, main network configuration, problems shooting and a lot more. The applicant also constructive elements some expertise on the fundamental neighborhood creating concepts.

CompTIA network  certification program is entirely diverse from distinct programs in several approaches. By way of example, the candidate is simply speculated to qualify one community+examination for him to be awarded with the certificate. The examination will take about ninety minutes and it principally includes of one hundred numerous alternatives, that are mainly concerning the elementary concepts and applications. Network examination arrives in 4 languages specifically; Japanese, German, Korean and English. So that it is possible to move this examination, you must be properly versed using the simple networking ideas. You are going to can locate a lot of study materials on-line that could assist you find out a couple of fundamentals about networking.

Choosing the Right Network for Your Business

When it comes to networks, the technology that is really helping to innovate is not something shiny and new, but rather something over twice as old as we are: Ethernet. But with age comes respect, and the Ethernet protocol is widely respected and used by almost all computer and networking vendors.

Ethernet allows for vast packets of information to be sent over networks. Originally these networks were Local Area Networks (LAN) - carrying information around a single building - but now the Ethernet protocol can be used to send information over an entire Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) or over a Wide Area Network (WAN).

MANs and WANs

If the servers you wish to network all reside in the same town or city then you will most likely want to invest in a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). If your data centres or servers are within a few kilometres of one another, dark fibre and/or Ethernet Private Lines (EPL) can be installed to deliver high-speed, low latency network performance. It will cost a little more and you will have to be careful to obtain the right contract type, but it delivers unbeatable speeds across a relatively small area.

If, however, you need to connect data centres, offices and servers across an entire country, or even internationally, then you should look toward Wide Area Networks (WAN). Most WANs will use a MPLS IP VPN (multi-protocol label switching Internet Protocol virtual private network). This sounds complex, but in essence it is like sending information securely between LANs in different areas over a virtual private network (VPN).

As you may expect, sending information over such wide areas and routing it through a number of server farms takes significantly longer, and therefore WANs cannot match the speed of a MAN. However, it is much more flexible allowing for multi-office networks internationally as well as flexible-working options.

Each network type has different benefits and drawbacks and requires different components, so when it comes to deciding on a network infrastructure for your business it is important to carefully consider a few things first. You need to consider your network requirements in terms of location, speed, carrier and cost.


In the unlikely event that all your computers and staff are located in the same building you can simply use a LAN. This is what Ethernet was designed for and will deliver the highest speeds and most reliable connection.

However, most businesses now have offices/staff and computers/servers/data centres in different clusters across the country or even internationally. These are often supported by single building LANs connected to other nearby units over a MAN, which may then be connected with other clusters over a WAN.

This may sound straightforward enough, but when you consider that this set-up must run over a number of network carriers using an amalgamation of very specific technologies, you may start to realise the difficulties in managing your network. If you need this kind of set-up, make sure you find a specialist partner with a deep knowledge and expertise to help you.


When it comes to the speed of your network you must ultimately balance probable latency with acceptable latency, cost with time, and peak demands with capacity purchase.

It is a difficult balance to find, especially when your business relies on continuous network access and good transfer speeds. If you are struggling to balance all these factors, we recommend choosing a specialist partner to help you out.


When piecing together a new network, or expanding a current one, it is important to be aware not only of differences between technologies, but also differences between carrier capabilities.

Most network providers will advocate IP VPNs for the best enterprise-grade service, but these require different transport and access technologies. Order the wrong piece of kit for the job and you will find yourself wasting vast amounts of time and money.


Along with technologies, you must also invest in the right service and capacity - right both for your current and your foreseeable requirements. This can be an immensely difficult task to get right the first time around, but if you don’t get it right you will be wasting time and money, not to mention the high-chance of creating a very disjointed network.

Ultimately you must find a balance between cost and capacity while allowing for a fair amount of future flexibility.

The Networking Newbie

Are you new at networking? Ready to get your feet wet and join other savvy professionals? Do not fret, get anxious or overwhelmed. Networking can actually be fun and productive, when done properly. For those of you, who have reservations about networking, do not sub come to the common myths of connecting and building networks. Use your new found courage to forge lasting long term relationships and make the right connections to develop socially and professionally.

Listed below are tips for networking newcomers, who want to get the most of their endeavors.

Make Friends

Attend events and join clubs with the mindset of making friends. Linking socially can ease the anxiety of networking and create shared platforms which can develop into business relationships. Making friendships a priority can show intentions for networking identify similar core values and uncover overlapping networks. Your purpose in building friendships is to continue to add value, build trust and credibility.

Laser Focus

While attending meetings and functions, be professional and goal oriented. Go prepared with plenty of business cards, a good 30 second speech and networking questions to facilitate good dialogue. Show that you are serious in your endeavors and find networking useful for your objectives. Do not hesitate to watch and learn from others at events. Gauge the networking culture and act accordingly.

Know Your Limits

Once you have connected with individuals and started to build your networks, be responsible. Do not over extend yourself and ask for too much too quickly. Be aware of the nature of the connection and proceed with caution and be sensible. This is extremely important in regards to asking for referrals, leads or introductions. Be reasonable and treat others the way you want to be treated.

Hopefully, these tips can move you in the right direction for achieving your networking goals and aspirations. As you continue to develop your connections, be mindful of the way you approach and handle relationships with others.

Networking Will Lead To Your Future Success

The need for aspiring young business men/women to seek and share knowledge is more vital than ever before. With the unprecedented challenges of today's economic environment, there are no excuses for not maximizing every opportunity to strengthen their business operational and strategic direction in this ultra-competitive market. Their knowledge needs to include not only what exactly is happening at the moment and what will - or may - happen in the future, but it also must include the ability and resources to lead their businesses through such events and circumstances. The smartest and most successful business entrepreneurs don't just know "the what" of that, but they are also particularly knowledgeable of "the who" - if they don't know the answer or the solution, they have developed the ability to find it through the process of networking which they have cultivated down through the years, and continue to develop.

As business tools go, networking is one of the most important, networking is a requirement for business leaders in today's competitive environment.

For business leaders there are three categories of networking that are important:
Business Operations

While many business managers excel at building and using their operational network, they often overlook the personal and strategic networks. Operational networking involves cultivating relationships with the people directly associated with accomplishing tasks and achieving business success. It encompasses constant and positive relationships with the people in your critical path. Most business managers manage this aspect of networking; some master it. Either way, without doing so, they would not be in management. However, some business managers do not reach out widely enough to build all the relationships they need over the longer term - or, having built them, they then fail to maintain them, thus negating the advantageous position they had created. This will often occur as a result of becoming so bogged down in day-to-day operations, that they misguidedly change overall priorities.

Networking with your team within the business, using a relaxed approach, is a skill in itself. Though each manager has their own style of management, the personal touch at some point with each team member is one of the most powerful tools of leadership.

Personal networking is an afterthought for many business managers. Working the typically long and unsociable hours, the easiest thing to eliminate from one's schedule is the industry social meetings, or the local networking meetings, etc. However, such networks allow managers to meet, interact with and feed off a diverse group of like-minded professionals. They also develop important personal connections with professionals who may be the first ones to whom a manager turns when the need for information, advice or leads arises.

These are discretionary professional contacts that are not as closely tied to the immediate job. They do not require daily management, and thus do not intrude on club obligations. However, they do allow managers to continue developing professionally, benchmarking with peers, and remaining within sight - if not on - the cutting edge. Additionally, such a network is often invaluable when managers want to make a career move.

Strategic networking is the toughest - but the most essential and exciting - if one is ambitious to become business leaders. Contact with industry peers and senior executives are vital, but taking a bigger-picture view can be even more important. Networking with indirectly-related industry representatives and also non-industry professionals can enable one to share ideas about best practices in the broader realm of business management, learn new approaches and keep close tabs on development in business, trends and technology. It helps to gain macro perspectives, and create their own visionary approach. It is essential to dismiss any personal shyness in contacting business leaders - the objective is to get the answers to key questions; to uncover pending trends; to learn better business practices.

The hunger for such insight is mutual. Additionally, each extension of one's network leads to the opening of further opportunities and contacts. Previously doors that were locked to you will suddenly be wide open. Inviting them to play golf helps to improve the growth opportunities within your business.

Too often, comments are heard about not having time to network, or considering it unsavoury. Bother are just lame excuses. Period. Success requires an investment of time. Managers need to realign their time, delegate more, and schedule networking into each week. Make it a business habit. Some managers may feel that they are wasting time: they've gone to that conference, to those meetings, to this networking event, and say they have gained little. The likelihood is their approach is limited, their view is restricted, and their operational management habits lack proper efficiency. Consequently, they miss out, leaving opportunity on the table.

Another oft-heard objection to networking is that "it's using people, it's political." Another excuse. The old saying is truer than ever: "it's not what you know but who you know." We also know that the day we think we're finished learning may be the last day on the job. Without the benefits of networking, how many managers effectively gain information, ideas, resources support, and industry intelligence? The habits may not come easily to some,or they may believe they can rely on their own talents. However, success today requires thinking, acting and operating without the proverbial box.

6 Effective Networking Tips to Grow Your Small Business

1. Look Presentable

You only get one shot at making a first impression, so make sure your first is your best! You'll want to be dressed professionally and look well-groomed.

2. Be Approachable

Be conscious of the signals your body language is throwing off. For example, standing with your arms crossed with a slight scowl and looking uninterested screams "please don't talk to me". Instead, plaster on a very warm and inviting smile, stand up straight, and look confident and happy to be in attendance.

3. Have an Objective/Game Plan

When considering the types of events that are right for you, you should ask yourself the following questions:

- What do I hope to accomplish from attending this event?
- Is this an event that my target market would attend?
- Is there a certain person/people that I hope to connect with?
- How can I be of assistance?

If you don't have an end game in mind, what exactly is your reason for attending? Networking should be looked at as another important strategy in your overall marketing plan, not just another opportunity to schmooze.

4. Focus on Connections, Not Sales

The purpose of networking is NOT to walk in and try to sell your products or services. Instead, you want to focus on building genuine, quality connections. Now is not the time to give your sales pitch to any listening ear in the room. The "sales" aspect will come later. Can you imagine a random person walking up to you and giving you a sales pitch without so much as an introduction? Annoying, right? So don't be that person. Your attitude should be that of "how can I help you?" or "I would love to get to know you better". Successful networkers know that building a business is all about building relationships.

5. Don't Forget Your Business Cards

Sounds like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many people attend networking events without a business card. Say what?! Your business card is your calling card. How else do you expect people to contact you? If a business owner does not have a business card, I can't take them seriously.

6. Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up

Perhaps the most important aspect of the networking process is the follow-up. It is the beginning of forming an essential relationship. Unless you have a razor-sharp memory, a really great way to recall details and specifics of the people you meet and the conversations you've had is to jot down brief notes on the back of their business card. That way, when you reach out to them (preferably within a day or two after the event so you're still fresh in their mind), you have a point of reference and your conversation will be more genuine.

As a point of reference, you should aim to introduce your business to at least 30 new people per week. Keep this in mind when developing your networking strategy.

seek professional help for queensland gaming license

Gaming machines have the potential to deliver volumes in business. Over the years, it has been proved that even in recessionary periods this is a business, which has stood the test of times. Therefore, if thoughts are on those lines it is defiantly a lucrative business idea. However, for people running the show it is also about handling plenty of cash. This is exactly where the problem lies. Hence, this has authorities concerned. Therefore, it is mandatory for people thinking on those lines to have a license. However, here in Australia it is a tag complicated as the law differs on state-to-state basis. Hence, seeking professional help is the correct way to proceed. Therefore, based in Victoria if one is in need of a <a href="">victorian gaming licence</a> based firms are there to look into requirements.

The application will have to be submitted to the license of liquor and gaming regulation. Professionals working in the system are well aware of the twist in the laws of various Australian states. They will be able to complete the job quickly. Under this system, people involved in dealing with every sphere of gaming machines require a license. However, for employees operating a machine at any outlet require a certificate to operate. The license once issued is valid for a period of five years. The approximate fee is $190.

Now if it is a case of renewal, one will be required to fill up a form supply fingerprints if the authorities do not have it, and then pay the fee. The application form is available on the website so there should be no issues. Printing the form is easy and once the signing is over one can look to submit it. In fact, why only for Melbourne if one requires a <a href="">competition permits</a> the process is much the same. However, since Queensland is a different state and the laws there are a tag different it is best to seek professional help in case of fresh applications. The renewals can be however done online similar to the process here in Victoria.

Leave aside your worries of different set of rules for obtaining Gaming license in every Australian state. Permit Kings works successfully through each state laws to acquire the license for your business.

Now if it is a case of renewal, one will be required to fill up a form supply fingerprints if the authorities do not have it, and then pay the fee.